Fiber and Cholesterol: How Sunfiber helps lower your cholesterol

Sunfiber helps lower your cholesterol

October 27, 2015

Women, don’t let your guard down. You may have read in the news that eating cholesterol-rich foods is no longer linked to heart disease risk, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your serum cholesterol levels. This wax-like substance still leads to other unhealthy conditions, such as yellowish skin patches and leg cramps, both of which may be signs of more serious conditions. Losing weight helps lower your cholesterol levels, but we all know this may be a challenge. In my Natural Solutions article, I shared an easy way to drop those cholesterol numbers: Add more soluble fiber to your diet. Sunfiber helps lower your cholesterol, and you won’t even have to break a sweat to see the results.

We all know the importance of healthy eating. Not only is it good for us, but it also helps instill good eating habits in our children. We also need regular medical attention. It’s recommended that everyone starts getting cholesterol screenings at age 20, but children in families with a history of heart disease may need to get tested earlier.


Tips for Managing Cholesterol

Since we all need to eat every day, it makes sense to make choices that help us manage our cholesterol levels.

  1. Add Sunfiber to your favorite foods. Clinical research has shown that guar fiber helps lower serum cholesterol levels. Adding this soluble fiber, sold as Sunfiber, to your diet is one of the easiest ways to support your health. In addition to its cholesterol-decreasing effect, Sunfiber can help you manage your weight. This premium fiber helps you feel full, making you less likely to snack on high-calorie snacks. You can easily add this tasteless, odorless powder to many foods and drinks. You can even cook with it. It won’t change the flavor or texture of foods, and won’t cause any unpleasant side effects like some other fiber supplements.
  1.  Eat more fish. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines have been shown to increase good HDL cholesterol and reduce triglycerides by 20 to 50 percent. Next time, pass up the chicken for some better-for-you fish.


Is fiber good for cholesterol?

Research has found soluble fiber can reduce your LDL cholesterol. Since soluble fiber dissolves in water, it works to grab fat, cholesterol, and sugar as it works through the intestines.

Want to learn more about the connection between fiber and cholesterol? Leave a comment below and we’ll reach out to you.

Lisa Lynn is a specialist in metabolic weight loss and performance nutrition, compensated to provide her professional opinions.

Meet the Experts

  • Lisa Lynn

    Lisa Lynn, PT, FT, is a specialist in metabolic weight loss and performance nutrition. With 25 years of devoted practice to the fields of personal training and health and wellness, Lisa is a one-of-a-kind expert in metabolic weight loss and performance nutrition. Her education includes four certificates from the International Sports and Sciences Association (ISSA) including Certified Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Performance Nutrition, Fitness Therapy, and Elite Trainer from The Professional Division of ISSA.

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1 Comment

  1. Brian James

    I’ve always been interested in the connection between fiber and cholesterol. Heart health should be one of your absolute top priorities!


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