Fiber Health Benefits

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How much prebiotic fiber should you eat daily?

We’re getting smarter all the time about dietary fiber and how it supports health. While your grandparents probably knew that fiber helps digestion, the word “prebiotic” didn’t start popping up in scientific literature until 1995 to describe the type of fiber that...

The right fiber may help manage IBS symptoms

It’s estimated that more than 30 million Americans suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a condition characterized by gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. April is IBS Awareness Month. While there is no cure, encourages people suffering...

How to meet fiber goals on a low-FODMAP diet

Consuming the recommended amount of daily fiber can be challenging when you’re following a  low FODMAP diet, especially during the initial six-week food elimination phase. That’s because many high fiber foods are also high FODMAP.  If you’re eliminating FODMAPs, you...

Goodbye tummy troubles: Kid-friendly ways to boost fiber intake

If you’re a parent, you’ve likely struggled to get your child to eat more nutrient-rich foods and fewer refined “white” foods, such as sugar, crackers and bread. Many of the food powerhouses you want your kids to gobble up are loaded with fiber, which is no surprise...