Glyteine and Sunfiber for Sports Hydration

hydrating while working out

October 4, 2021

Exercise is important for mental and physical health, but sore muscles and sometimes even intestinal discomfort or diarrhea can easily keep you sidelined to the couch. Appearing on CBS-TV, fitness expert Brent Bishop gave Washington, DC audiences several easy tips for helping muscles recover faster and avoiding GI upsets. Pay close attention to his special hydration strategy! 

First, Bishop explained how to distinguish between an injury and muscle soreness. 

  • An injury: Something like a pulled muscle will be felt almost immediately.
  • Muscle soreness: Delayed onset muscle soreness typically starts about 12 hours after exercise, and usually peaks after 48 hours. 

Bishop’s tips for improving your exercise recovery include:

  • Don’t just stay on the couch because you’re sore. “If you keep moving, you’re going to recover a lot quicker.” 
  • Don’t skip your warmup. “It’s important to prime your system before you actually start doing the exercise movements. This will also decrease your chance of injury.” 
  • Add Glyteine to your water bottle. Bishop explained that exercise creates excess free radicals that contribute to soreness. Glyteine, available in Continual-G, ramps up the body’s ability to produce glutathione, which helps to neutralize excess free radicals. 
  • Then stir Sunfiber into your water, along with the Glyteine. Bishop said Sunfiber, a soluble fiber, is very effective at managing digestive issues associated with exercise.


What is Glyteine?

Glyteine ramps up the body’s ability to produce glutathione, which helps to neutralize excess free radicals. Taking Glyteine with Sunfiber helps minimize the diarrhea that often accompanies exercise.

Importance of Glyteine

Glyteine is your body’s way of producing Glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that actively fights oxidative stress, and is used to improve sports recovery.

A study published by the Journal of Functional Foods, reports that Sunfiber may help eliminate athlete’s diarrhea by boosting levels of healthy probiotics in the gut. This may let you focus more on your performance and less on your digestive tract. 

For best results, drink the combination of Sunfiber and Glyteine about 30 minutes before you start exercising to help ensure your body is prepared to handle some of the stresses of exercise.

Brent Bishop is a is a national on-air fitness expert, celebrity trainer, published author and founder of Think Fitness Studios, compensated to provide his professional opinions.

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  • Sunfiber

    Sunfiber is a true regulating dietary fiber and prebiotic for maintaining digestive health and microflora balance. It is tasteless, colorless, odorless and 100% water-soluble. Sunfiber is well tolerated and does not lead to the typical bloating, cramping and gas production that other fibers are known for.

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