You expect a chef to make great-tasting food. But Chef Gerard Viverito takes it one step further. This fiber-packed shake he made on Kansas City TV cares for your gut as much as your taste buds. The health-focused, world-renowned chef told viewers that most Americans aren’t getting enough fiber, especially soluble fiber which helps feed your gut’s beneficial bacteria. This lack of fiber may cause weight gain, lethargy and digestive troubles. His brownie batter smoothie recipe is a great-tasting way to meet your daily fiber needs. We were thrilled he included Sunfiber in his recipe.
There’s more to living a healthy lifestyle than visiting the gym. You need to care for your gut, as well as your muscles. “Disease can start in the gut,” said Viverito. “I always tell people: Get healthy in the kitchen. Get fit in the gym.”
Viverito brought a large mound of fruits and vegetables to the set, and explained that this was the quantity we should eat daily. “You want fiber,” he said. “It will help with your intestinal function and it will slow down the absorption of sugar.” Fiber also helps you feel fuller longer which may help keep your hands out of the cookie jar. “We’re supposed to get 35 grams of fiber a day,” he said, adding that most Americans consume just seven to 10 grams daily. This fiber-packed shake can help meet your daily fiber requirement.
High-fiber Brownie Batter Shake
1 banana
½ cup ice cubes
½ cup black beans
½ cup cocoa powder
3 dates, pitted
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
½ cup spinach
½ cup baby kale
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop Sunfiber
Blend until smooth and serve cold.
The show’s host wasn’t too sure about the ingredients, but was pleasantly surprised by the smoothie’s taste. “It tastes exactly like brownie batter,” he said. “It’s amazing.”
We’re glad Chef Viverito included a scoop of Sunfiber in this fiber-packed shake. One scoop of Sunfiber added five grams of soluble fiber. Unlike other fiber supplements, it’s tasteless, odorless and colorless. There are also no uncomfortable side effects.